Brooke Southwell
0456 575 952
Back (Soc Sci), MBA (Mktg & HR)
TRRRA Candidate Questions
- Why are you running, and what do you think you can offer Tamworth Region?I would like to see more diversity on council so that it is representative of the TRC population. I also have a passion for the community and for local government.
- How do those of you with political affiliations address the issues that arise serving two masters?I do not have any political affiliations.
- Every candidate says that they always put the community first. But what does that mean to you?I have a background in community and stakeholder liaison. This means engaging with a broad range of people and finding common themes, communicating this to decision makers and then recommending actions for change. I have also worked in community relations roles in local government, construction and not for profit industries. Putting the community first means 1) listening and 2) action.
- What are your views on the interaction between Councillors, senior council staff and developers documented and available on public record?I would like to know more about these interactions.
- How would you improve transparency and accountability for Counsellors and the Council?Improve communication from Council.
Highlight the ways the community can monitor council activities. If elected I will be transparent and honest in my own communications. - Understandably, the Council needs to maintain confidentiality around some issues and be discussed in Closed Council sessions. How do you feel those Closed Council discussions impact the Council’s transparency and accountability?Some things need to be discussed in a closed council session. This is part of the rules around council meetings. It might not seem transparent but I feel like this rule is there for a reason but should not be over used.
- Would you support a review of Chaffey dam water management?Yes. The rules around how water is managed by the state government need to be reviewed.
- What are your views on TRC pursuing alternate water sources to ensure water security, e.g. purchasing some or all of the Peel Valley licenses from those willing to sell?Supportive. Water security is important to this region and we need to look at a range of options. If some are willing to sell, then let’s have the discussion.
- Do you believe the community should be advised before the sale of community assets?
I don’t know enough about this topic, but I am leaning towards yes.
Northern Daily Leader – November 24 2021Tamworth council elections 2021: Brooke Southwell has a focus on economic development, families, tourism and community engagement